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Go East, young man...for networks

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Finextra and BT recently held a webcast looking at the future of financial networks.

The lively, transatlantic debate, with expert panalists from NY and London, soon turned towards Asia.

Here are some excerpts from our discussion:

"People [in Asia] are very interested to know what is going on in the US in regards to transparency and fairness," - Greg Wood - VP, Advanced Execution Services, Credit Suisse, looking at the low latency arms race.

"People are looking at Asia as the ‘true Alpha' a place where real growth can be made." - Mark Akass - CTO, Global Banking & Financial Markets, BT.

"We have a real legacy trap in Europe, where we can't be as agile as we'd like to be. Whereas in Asia, I have witnessed, (and I will use China as an example) there are those who want to use the best in class technology; they want to leap frog us here in Europe," - Alan Dean - Global Head of FIX Connectivity, HSBC, exposing on the benefits of FIX.

Want to hear more from the discussion, then register here to view the webcast.


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